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Today I had a very bad experience with Proximus Customer service.

2 operators had hangout the phone in my face without answer my questions about my contract,

When I asked to open a complaint, they said a complaint was not possible to be opened,

I asked to talk to the supervisor and they said it was not possible,

How it is possible a customer service behavior like this?

How can a customer make a complaint about such a bad service?

How can a customer be protected to be proper treated by Proximus customer service?

I am astonished about this situation and I do not find a way to make this complaint and a way to avoid other people to have such a bad experience
You do not astonish, Proximus is in situation that monople historical. For them, a customer moreover or less, that do not make a difference. Of course, they say the opposite on the other hand the facts show that it is well the case. Change operator, Orange is much less expensive, also powerful and need customers and thus a perfect service.
Proximus a volontairement rendu difficile voir impossible de déposer une plainte facilement... devinez Pourquoi?

La réponse semble évidente: ils seraient noyés par le traitement des plaintes.

Les plaintes doivent être surement un KPI qui est mesuré dans leur contrat de gestion. Pour dissimuler la réalité, rien de plus facile de supprimer le bouton plainte qui existait auparavant.

Si vous voulez vous plaindre et avoir un suivit externe envoyer celle-ci au concilateur telecom ( indépendant) :

