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Terrible service by Proximus

Does anyone know how to introduce a complaint for bad service in the installaiotn of the services.

For one month have been waiting for Proximus ot install internet at my apartment, with vairous appointments having been made, but no technician shows up.
Terrible service de Proximus

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment introduire une plainte pour un mauvais service dans l'installation des services.

Pendant un mois, j'attendais que Proximus installe internet dans mon appartement, des rendez-vous veloux ont été effectués, mais aucun technicien ne se présente.

If your profile of the forum is complete, the collaborators will be able to take a look at your file. You are entitled to compensation.

for complaint use Quick start? Here you can find an answer to your question
Hope you get it all solved
