Contact by phone:? No , thanks


I submitted a claim on my Internet mobile bill and I received the email below:

Cher(e) Client(e),
Sauf erreur de notre part, nous sommes toujours en attente de vos compléments d'informations nous permettant de traiter votre plainte.
Pouvons-nous dès lors vous demander de préciser votre plainte ?
A cet égard, nous vous invitons à nous appeler au 0800 33 800 (veuillez consulter nos horaires d'ouverture sur" target="_blank) et ceci dans un délai de 10 jours ouvrables.
En respectant ces conditions, vous aurez la garantie que votre réponse aboutira auprès du service compétent au sein de notre entreprise et que nous mettrons tout en oeuvre pour y apporter la suite la plus appropriée.
Nous nous engageons à vous communiquer le résultat de notre enquête dans les deux semaines à dater de la réception de votre réponse dans nos services.
Nous vous remercions de votre confiance.
Sincères salutations.
Votre service clientèle

So I called 0800 33 800. When I tried to explain my problem the operator did not want to listen to me and she hang up!!!. I never saw something like this in a client service. She was very umpolite. The result is that I have been charged when I think it is a Belgacom mistake and I do not know how to send the info requested as there is not any contact email where I can write to. Could you please help??. I opened an incident 111024-000288 with no answer so far...what else I have to do?. In my opinion is a clear case of customer abuse and the treatment by the operator unacceptable

Thks, client 606862815

I was charged for Internet mobile use after 1700 hours but I had received a confirmation email for my order for weekends & Eveningsd option. I can enclose the email if I am given the opportunity.

4 commentaires

Niveau d'utilisateur 1
Badge +2
Hi Francisco,

The reaction of the customer service was indeed not very fair & polite.

I suggest you to send a private mail to Eva; she surely will help you to clarify this matter ... Clin d'œil

Or call the 0800/55.800, english customer service!
Thank you

I sent a private email to Eva. Still waiting.

Regarding the english customer service, that is the one I talked to... as I was transferred from the french 0800 33 I am a kind of reluctant to call them again after my experience. Frankly I never saw such kind of helpdesk operator. She told me to shut up and when I asked please listen to my story...she just cut the communication with no very nice words....and they are a "help"desk !! ...

Thenk you for your help :-)
Ok, I received an answered from Eva, not related at all to my question. I am loosing my patience 🙂.
