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I want to file a complain. In my bill for July I was invoiced for extra data usage (above 1 GB at that time) for two phones. 19.50 and 60.00 Euro respectively. I did, however, check my data usage daily and very carefully to not go over the 1 GB limit. I called proximus to complain when I saw the bill. The first person told me there was an error in the system (with the new roaming rules) and he will request that the extra charges are removed from my bill. A few weeks later I get another bill saying these 79.50 are still outstanding. I called proximus and the person said he'll ask the technical team and will try to remove the extra charges from my bill. Now I get another bill with the 79.50 still listed as outstanding and they would discontinue my service. But I'm not going to pay for something that I didn't use. The lady today told me I would have to "file a complain". Apparently calling them and talking to people and contesting a bill is not a complain. And where do I have to file a complain, I ask. And she's saying here on the Forum! That's the last place I would have ever expected I had to use to file a complain. But, hey, here you have it. I complain! What's the next step?
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