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I wish to issue a complaint on both your ILLEGAL charging on data usage within my bundle limit as well as your poor customer service. Let me highlight what went wrong:

1. According to my Tuttimus connection with M mobile usage, I have total 10GB data limit. But the app, website and message updates told me I had only total 7.3 GB data in my bundle.

2. I went to your proximus service stores THREE times and they couldn't fix it. They said I indeed have 10GB and that it's an "error" in the system and they cannot fix it themselves but will "forward" the complaint. But nothing happened for TWO months.

3. Finally, I gave up on your service stores and I called your helpline. They told me that I indeed have 10GB data and that there is a "system error" due to which my data is showing incorrectly. He said not to worry and that I can access all 10GB of my data. Further, he advised me to call him if I get charged after 7.3GB.

4. As anticipated by me long ago, Proximus started ILLEGALLY charging me for data after 7.3GB even though I have BOUGHT 10GB data pack (M) with Tuttimus. As advised by the previous customer support guy, I called your helpline but NOONE could help me.

5. Now, your MyProximus App shows that I have to pay 30 euros or something for the "Additional" data that I have used. THIS IS ILLEGAL. I have paid for the 10GB data limit and you can't charge me beyond 7.3GB without any valid reason.

6. No-one in the customer support on helpline and social media can fix this issue. This is my last time for contacting you. Please note that I WON'T PAY YOU ANY EXTRA AMOUNT FOR THE DATA THAT I HAVE ALREADY BOUGHT even if you charge me because what you are doing is ILLEGAL by any standards.

Fix your mess. Please. I am outraged and will be moving to Mobile Viking next month ?

Poor service of Proximus doesn't deserve loyal customers.
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