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Dear sir/madam,

I will be residing in Brussels as from 21st August 2016. I was informed that you offer one of the best services with regards to communication. I am interested in the pack costing 63.95 a month and also the pc/tablet costing €49. I would like an appointment for Monday 22nd August please. Can you please email me the procedure etc?


Call the number (from Belgium) 0800/55.800 to reach the english customer service!

Or go to a Proximus Store because as a foreigner, perhaps we will ask you a copy of your identity card or passport to qualify you for the tablet (do not forget that it will be a 2-year contract).

Welcome in Belgium and be proud to be in the future country Champion of Europe (I hope you're not English, Welsh or Irish (north or south)), otherwise I'll get me an enemy ;-)

