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I don't gove a fuck about your french only policy. If you are in belgium you can akso support dutch. I'm tired of companies like yours that tjink that brussels is the centervof the universe. I came here to complain about yiur company. NOT TO BE FUCKED BY SOME RETARDED "I ONLY SPEAK FRENCH" BUNCG OF LOSERS. I dob't give a fuck about the "gifts" aka trash you "give" me. If toy realy want to give me gifts, gove me a PERMANENT discount on my subscription yiy can stick all your other shit where the sun don't shine because i've got more than enough "we think you mugt need another pen to throw in the trash" gifts. I don't pay my subscription to get rubbish in return!!!!!!!!
Is not that what you were looking for?

Proximus is a Belgian company based in brussels actually, the general conditions are available in 3 languages. (Fr, nl, en).

If ovus wish to have something more precise, report it. The community will help you as much as it can with the support of the collaborators.
