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Hello.I want to tell you what I m dealing with since im at proximus

At 2december I ordered online a pack of tuttimus with iternet landline tv mobile subscription with smartphone and smart tv.

On 15December the tehnician came and install my internet connection.

Hi did not have the tv

Next day I called the customer service. They told me to wait because outside is snowwig and is problems with delivery,after one week nothing...I called again...they make me a ticket... we are In february and still I don t have any answer...

I call at least 3times per week and you put me for hours to wait.... your employe told me...wait I will transfer to the good department...they transfer and after they hang up... nice from you after waiting more than 1hour.

And ...every time...we make a ticket we can t do anything more...your problem is at it department they are dealing with... since 27-28 december...but still no answer.

You steall our money with false offers.
If the inconvenience persists, you can give us your customer details and ticket reference via a private message so that we can follow up the situation. Best regards. Nick
Hello @olaf_cs,

This way for a private message to @NicoM:
@ NicoM: FYI: olaf_cs avait mis un message similaire sur le forum néerlandophone:

Il semble y avoir a un dossier: 32111499

(olaf_cs put a similar message on the Dutch-language forum. There already seems to be a file: 32111499)

Why should I use private mesages ? Why is thys a forum?

Let the people see how do you treat me (your clients)

I ask for something resolve my problem that is older than 2mounths and still no answer.

Today,I recive my bill. The bill with document number :6828511460

In which you charge me for the tv connection

Why is that? I order on 2december 2017 all the services from proximus plus a smart tv and a smartphone thay I didn t recive.

I was today in the shop to tell my problem(proximus shop) the thing thay they help me...give a call to customers services from theyr phone :-j

After waiting 25minutes... your response was:

"The bill is ok, how can you prove that you didn 't use the tv connection"

You still have to pay all the bill that we charged you(an error )

Is not normal to pay for something that I cannot use because of you.

And for the tv... your response , from a lady ,was...I hope you know you will not recive your tb, why run out of it...what ?swriously?waiting 2mounthz for it departament to solve my case...and after somebody told me...we run out of tv 😉 nice respect you have for me.
olaf_cs , if you want to share all your personal informations with everyone it's up to you ! It's just security measures... Anyway, when you will have an answer from your case 32889608 and when you will receive the cancellation confirmation via mail, you can let us know so we can adapt the bill (we just suspended the last one until all this is solved). Regards. Nick
Ok. I didn t recive nothing on my e-mail.

I hope that you don t suspend my services now(today).

I hope that the women that I talked at phone in proximus shop , had cancel my subscription then. In the same day

I really wait an answer for my case.
