Good afternoon.
I did an appointment on 23.10.2024 for an internet installation on 06.11.2024.
On 06.11.2024 at 18:00hrs I was called by the installateur and told to wait home because at 18:30 he will arrive. At 19:00hrs I received a notification that my installation was rescheduled for 15.11.2024.
On 14.11.2024 I was called from a private number by the technician telling me that he is waiting for me to install the internet. I told him that I cannot because I am working and the appointment is for 15.11.2024.
After 2 minutes I received a message from Proximus telling me that my installation is rescheduled for 21.11.2024.
I called call-center and I had around 30 minutes of standby and nothing solved.
I will write a complain because this is not normal.