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Good morning,

I ordered a new phone with subscription (iPhone 11 Pro Max 64GB Green) and received it two days ago. 

Since I am still within the 14 day return window for the device, I want to exchange the device for the same iPhone model with more storage space, specifically iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB Space Grey.

I want to keep the new subscription and my number. 

I spoke with customer service and was not given a clear answer.

Please advise. Thank you!

Hi Sophie,

Is there any further update on this issue?

Thank you,

Hi @ian_bru,

Currently your folder is still supported by the manager 

I sent her a message to relaunch your request

She will contact you shortly to inform you of the solution provided 

Sorry for this wait

All regards

Hi @ian_bru,

Currently your folder is still supported by the manager 

I sent her a message to relaunch your request

She will contact you shortly to inform you of the solution provided 

Sorry for this wait

All regards


Hi Adriano,

She did reach out with the same response as the last 3 times I have heard from her - essentially nothing of substance. How can Proximus have a return system that was recommended by your staff at the beginning of this thread? We are now 2 months into a simple mobile return - the customer and their money should not be held hostage due to a poor return process….




Hi @ian_bru , I have just been informed that the refund was made this Friday 26/06. I am sorry for this abnormally long delay and present to you the apologies of Proximus for this wait.

Dear @ian_bru,
I received confirmation that the refund was made on June 26.
Have you already received it?

Dear @ian_bru,
I received confirmation that the refund was made on June 26.
Have you already received it?

Hi Caroline,

Yes I have received it now - thank you very much.

Is it possible to delete this thread now that the issue has been resolved?

Thank you,
